I edited this email I recently got from a client to protect their identity.
Dear Bill,
What to say? Thank you so much for your tireless work on __________’s behalf. We are so grateful for your willingness to take on her case, and for the help you offered before she was even your client. We know it could have worked out very differently if it weren’t for your generosity, knowledge and finesse. We consider ourselves very lucky….
All the folks at Marler Clark have been amazing. It’s quite a team you have there. Please extend our thanks to everyone. I know we kept Marybeth, Josh and Chris busy for some time. We are grateful for their patience with us, and their careful and thorough work. We know others were drawn in, Bruce, Drew, Jenny, maybe everyone? Thank you to all!
I won’t forget my first phone call with you, Bill, and how you said that after all your years of working on these cases you still couldn’t imagine the hell we went through (and also that you were an ass for making me relive it). I knew that you were a different kind of lawyer. Thank you for your patience when I kept thinking of another horrible story to share. It was cathartic for me, but not your job to listen to it all….
I still can’t believe your responsiveness to email, calls and texts. I thought I might wear you out, but you hung in there. It made it all so much easier knowing that you would be there for us if anything came up. Thank you….
Speaking of that, I am more than willing to be available if there is ever anything, I can do to help you, or your clients…. Believe it or not, I’ve become pretty good at listening to and supporting folks coping with hardship.
Feel free to share my contact info with other parents if you think I could be helpful. I will also speak highly of you, of course. And, I’m happy to be another pair of eyes on any mediation letter:0) Pretty sure if it’s not my kid’s it won’t take me 10 iterations to get it right.
I am so happy __________ will be spending the summer at your firm. What an opportunity for her! Thank you for that too! I hope she is able to contribute to your work.
I will forever be grateful for all you’ve done for our family, and the immeasurable difference you’ve made on food safety. My interest in your good work will not fade.
I will always think the world of you.
With much love and gratitude,
Your friend,