photo.JPGLady-Gaga-Meat-Dress2.jpgNot much really – except that as I was working on my speech (while staring out my window from my hotel across Lafayette Square from the White House) for the GAP Conference in the morning – “Friday Conference Analyzes Revolutionary Food Whistleblower Protections, I saw in the news that Lady Gaga had been taken down by food poisoning at a London concert:

“I had food poisoning. I was vomiting backstage during the changes. Nobody knew. I just Jedi mind-tricked my body; ‘You will not vomit onstage’. Because I was also thinking, if I do, they are going to think I’m drunk. And I don’t want them to think I am human, let alone drunk.’

I must admit that I am not much of a fan of Ms. Gaga, but you hate to see anyone taken down by food poisoning – even for a short while, and even if she thinks she is not human (she may have a point).

I wonder if it has anything to do with how she was dressed?