havr720t.jpgYesterday it was a Boise, Idaho Cheesecake Factory restaurant that had an employee test positive for Hepatitis A while he or she worked, presenting a risk of infection to restaurant customers.  The Boise employee apparently was not involved in food preparation however, so the risk of infection to customers is thought to be low.  Though, if that employee had had a Hepatitis A vaccine, there would have been no bad news for the Cheesecake Factory or its customers.  Now customers must wait to see if symptoms show.

News reports today out Gonzales Restaurant in Dallas County, Texas in another Hepatitis A problem.  Apparently, an employee tested positive for Hepatitis A.  The Dallas County Health Department is now trying to contact people who ate there between January 25-28.  Again, this would not be news if that employee had had a Hepatitis A vaccine.  Now, again, customers must wait to see if symptoms show.

A new CDC report shows in 2010 just over 10 percent of people between the ages of 19 and 49 years old got a Hepatitis A shot.  The CDC says more needs to be done to encourage adults to get their vaccinations, including increasing access to immunizations and educating people on their importance.  Hepatitis A can be serious:

Richard Miller Hepatitis A Food Poisoning Illness and Lawsuit from Marlerclark on Vimeo.