1. I did not get Revive and the FDA to recall the Pineapple and Mango Smoothies with tara that has sickened dozens with acute liver failure, including surgeries to remove gallbladders. We are now representing over 30 clients.
  2. I did not get Wendy’s to tell me who provided the E. coli-tainted lettuce that has sickened well over a hundred, many hospitalized, some with kidney failure. But, I have my sights set on California. We are now representing close to 30 clients. Hey, Wendy’s, tell me now or you will tell me later anyway.
  3. I did not get Daily Harvest, Stone Gate nor Smirk’s to willingly provide tara for testing despite them being the cause of hundreds of people (we represent over 350 clients) that suffered acute liver failure, including surgeries to remove gallbladders after consuming French Lentil + Leek Crumbles. I have had to ask the Court to order them to do so.
  4. I did not get Daily Harvest, Stone Gate nor Smirk’s to tell me who manufactured and provided the tara that went into the French Lentil + Leek Crumbles. Hey, tell me now or you will tell me later anyway.
  5. Thus far, despite spending thousands on testing of Pineapple and Mango Smoothies and French Lentil + Leek Crumbles, we have still not determined what in the products (with the ingredient tara) has caused all the illnesses. I have shared all test results with Daily Harvest, Stone Gate, Smirk’s and the FDA.

Well, I have the weekend and next week to turn it around.