And, in the US do we test for DNA in our meat?
A month ago the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) published the findings of a targeted study examining the authenticity of a number of beef burger, beef meal and salami products available from retail outlets in Ireland.
Those Damn Irish checking for “food fraud”!
The FSAI analyzed a total of 27 beef burger products and found 10 of the 27 products (37%) testing positive for horse DNA and 23 (85%) testing positive for pig DNA. In addition, 31 beef meal products (cottage pie, beef curry pie, lasagna, etc.) were analyzed of which 21 were positive for pig DNA and all were negative for horse DNA.
Since then recalls are proceeding and lawsuits (love those) are flying all over Europe – even criminal investigations are happening (those would never occur here for goodness sake – think PCA).
Safety issues aside, it does make you wonder when you look on the label of a product if it has in it what you expect.
So, readers, anyone know if FSIS tests? Businesses?