Accumulation of life-threatening, caused hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by bacteria (HUS)

06/06/2011. The reporting data on HUS and EHEC currently suggest a slight decrease in the number of cases. Whether this decline will continue and whether it is due to the reduced consumption of the incriminated food or dried up a potential other source, can not presently be determined. A detailed description can be found at the link below “Current information on the EHEC / HUS outbreak events. According to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Agriculture, 5 June 2011 give the distribution channels of a Lower Saxon establishment of production suggest that the consumption of sprouts from a specific producer may be operating with the EHEC / HUS is related diseases. The RKI has asked in its surveys of patients from the start after the consumption of sprouts, but so far had only a small proportion of patients given stem consumption. Because of the already published evidence that the consumption of tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce is associated with the outbreak, the RKI out since Thursday a third case-control study, in particular the consumption of salad ingredients, such as Transoms, is investigated as a possible risk factor. Findings from this study will be published as soon as the results. The Robert Koch Institute stands in constant contact with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, which is responsible consumption recommendations and warnings.

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