I tried to avoid politics today until folks started talking about it on Food Safety Sites.

My Comment:

“Right now I am processing how a person with multiple marriages, multiple affairs, multiple bankruptcies, multiple indictments, multiple convictions and multiple impeachments will soon have access to our nuclear codes.

Food Safety is not on my mind – I have lost my appetite.”

But, I had a bright spot in my day with the below note from a client on a case that has taken much of my attention for the last two years:

Hi Bill, and Team,

Thank you very much for providing this update. The work that you have all done in support of this case and on behalf of your clients is appreciated more than you will know. It would have been completely overwhelming and seemingly impossible to take this on without your support, advocacy, management, tenacity, leadership, guidance and due diligence (Karey, Ilana, Julie, and Julie – thank you for your work on my behalf!). I am absolutely amazed at how you all have managed all of the discovery, medical records, correspondence, and court processes for your hundreds of clients. The team is always available to answer questions and replies promptly – wow!

Bill, I would also like to thank you specifically for being available to speak by phone or email – that has been reassuring to me throughout this process. Your willingness to reduce your fees from 33% to 25% was unexpected, and I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

“It’s always darkest before the dawn.”