And, for that matter other amphibians and reptiles.
CDC just released a new report entitled “Outbreak of Salmonellosis Associated with Pet Turtle Exposures — United States, 2011”. This report describes an outbreak of 132 human Salmonella infections between August 2010 and September 2011 associated with exposure to small turtles (those with shell lengths < 4 inches). Many of these infections occurred in young children, whose illness can be severe and cause hospitalization. Despite a three decade ban on the sale of small turtles, these infections continue to occur. CDC reported similar outbreaks in 2007 and 2008. Increasing enforcement of existing regulations, increasing penalties for illegal sales and emphasizing regulations can assist in decreasing infections acquired from these reptiles. Turtles are not appropriate pets in households with young children or other high risk individuals (pregnant women, older persons and the immune-compromised).
Please follow this link to educational materials on human Salmonella infections associated with small turtles and other reptiles. Also, a web-friendly flyer is located at the following website so other organizations can link to it online:
The CDC is asking for your help to further distribute this educational flyer to help convey the important prevention messages to any individuals, groups, or organizations involved with turtles and other pet reptiles. We recommend that these flyers be displayed where young children may come into contact with small turtles, like pet stores, flea markets, day care centers, and schools.