What started out as a recall of Gills Onions – then expanded – after Gills was notified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that a random sample of diced yellow onions taken at retail tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes – has expanded into something that is getting harder to follow. Below are Gills two recall notices and all other recall notices I could find of products that used Gills Onions.
The recall has now impacted all of these other products that used Gills Onions as an ingredient:
San Miguel Produce, Inc. recalls Comfort Greens Kit because of Gills Onions expanded recall.
Spartan Stores Voluntarily Recalls Deli/Produce Products Containing Peeled Whole Yellow Onions
Stop & Shop Alerts Customers to Voluntary Recall of Calico Bean Salad
Item Sold on Salad Bar
Simmering Soup Voluntarily Recalls Salsa & Balela
Because of Possible Health Risk
Busch’s Fresh Food Market Voluntarily Recalls Deli Products Containing Peeled Whole Yellow Onions
Publix Recalls Sub Sandwiches with Onions Due To Possible Health Risk
I think I got them all. How many more recalls are in the offing?