From the FDA:

We are very interested in your comments on the proposed rule on produce safety and preventive controls for human food and have made every effort to encourage input since they were first published in January 2013. Our efforts include extending the comment period twice, holding three public meetings, and visiting farms across the country.

That is why we are concerned about the intermittent technical difficulties that have occurred in November with the website, which have prevented some people from submitting comments. We know that these difficulties are inconvenient and very frustrating.

For that reason, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to comment, FDA is providing 7 additional days for comments on both the proposed rule on produce safety and preventive controls for human food. This means that the close of the comment period, which was scheduled for today, November 15, will now be November 22.

We are expediting publication of a notice in the Federal Register. You can continue to submit your comments at

We appreciate your patience and look forward to receiving your comments.