Marler Clark is proud to represent families in both of these outbreaks.

E. coli Outbreak: As of April 30, 2024, 12 people infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli have been reported from 2 states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from February 1, 2024, to April 4, 2024. Of 11 people with information available, 7 (64%) have been hospitalized. Two patients have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious condition that can cause kidney failure. No deaths have been reported.

WGS showed that bacteria from sick people’s samples are closely related genetically. This suggests that people in this outbreak got sick from the same food. Traceback data collected by FDA determined that Gibson Farms, Inc was the supplier of organic walnuts sold in bulk bins at stores where ill people shopped.

Salmonella Outbreak: As of April 17, 2024, a total of 12 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella have been reported from 7 states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from February 11, 2024, to April 2, 2024. Of 11 people with information available, 1 person has been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported.

WGS showed that bacteria from sick people’s samples are closely related genetically. This suggests that people in this outbreak got sick from the same food. Of 12 people interviewed, 10 (83%) reported shopping at Trader Joe’s. Seven sick people reported buying or likely buying organic basil in 2.5 oz clamshell-style containers from Trader Joe’s. Additionally, traceback data collected by FDA determined that Infinite Herbs, LLC, in Miami, Florida, was the supplier of the 2.5-oz packages of organic basil sold at Trader Joe’s stores.