As of Tuesday July 31, 2018, the Delaware General Health District has received a total of 683 inquiries related to a possible foodborne illness outbreak stemming from the Chipotle located at 9733 Sawmill Parkway. Of those inquiries, staff members have completed over 480 interviews.
The Ohio Department of Health returned initial stool sample results today – all have tested negative for Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli and Norovirus. Further stool testing will be conducted for other pathogens. The food samples are still in the process of being tested for Bacillus Cereus or Clostridium Perfringens in addition to the four diseases listed above that are tested in stool samples.
The Delaware General Health District suggests that you please contact your local health department to file food complaints. Posting on social media and/or a website is not an official complaint. The Health District has also received calls regarding medical attention. Please consult your doctor for all medical needs.