Here is what Daily Harvest and Wendy’s have said in the last weeks about outbreaks that are negatively impacting hundreds of their customers:
Daily Harvest: “At this time, we have identified tara flour as the cause of the issue. Our extensive investigation has involved many experts analyzing data from all sources. We have only used this ingredient in French Lentil + Leek Crumbles and we are no longer sourcing from this producer who does not provide any ingredients for our 140+ other items. This was the first and only time we’ve used tara flour, which has been available and used in the North American market as a plant-based source of protein prior to our use. Our investigation team will continue working with the FDA, the tara flour producer and others to help determine what specifically made people sick.”
Wendy’s: “We are fully cooperating with public health authorities on their ongoing investigation of the regional E. coli outbreak reported in certain midwestern states. While the CDC has not yet confirmed a specific food as the source of that outbreak, we are taking the precaution of discarding and replacing the sandwich lettuce from some restaurants in that region. The lettuce that we use in our salads is different and is not affected by this action. As a company, we are committed to upholding our high standards of food safety and quality,”
Here are some things that both Daily Harvest and Wendy’s can do to help their customers and help themselves.
- Be transparent about where you received the tainted product. You can do it willingly, or I will get it from you during the litigation process. Getting ahead of me is really not that difficult and it will be good public relations.
- Provide samples of the offending ingredient to the FDA and to me. Knowing more what has sickened customers may drive answers and will increase public trust that your are trying to do the right thing. Again, you can do it willingly, or I will get it from you during the litigation process.
- Offer to pay customers out-of-pocket medical bills and wage loss now to those who are clearly victims of your tainted product. Again, you can do it willingly, or I will get it from you during the litigation process. Again, getting ahead of me is really not that difficult and it will be good public relations.
Anyone want to place bets on if Daily Harvest and/or Wendy’s takes my advice?