Environmental testing also positive.

Cozy Raw Milk.jpgCozy Vale Creamery’s raw milk products are being recalled because they may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 after being linked to three illnesses.

The Cozy Vale Creamery’s whole and skim milk and cream are distributed through seven retail outlets in Pierce, Thurston and King counties. The products being recalled all have sell-by dates of December 6 or earlier.

The recall was begun after Washington State Department of Agriculture environmental swabbing at the facility discovered that locations in the milking parlor and processing areas were contaminated with the E. coli O157:H7 bacteria.

Three illnesses have been reported in Cozy milk customers since August.

They products were sold retail at the farm store and at Marlene’s Market in Tacoma, two Olympia Food Co-Op locations in Olympia, Olympia Local Foods in Tumwater, Yelm Co-op in Yelm, Mt. Community Co-op in Eatonville and Marlene’s Market in Federal Way.

According to the dairy’s advertising:

Cozy Vale Creamery is located on 76 acres in the hills of Tenino, Washington. We are a licensed Grade A Raw Milk Dairy. At our micro dairy, we milk several different breeds of milk cows that we find are more suitable to thriving on grass pastures. Jersey’s, Milking Shorthorns, Ayrshire’s & Brown Swiss cows graze lush pastures all year long.

Cozy Vale Creamery is a family-owned small farming enterprise. The farm produces a variety of agricultural products including, grade A raw cows milk, grass fed meats (angus steer, katahdin lamb). The family is dedicated to the humane treatment of animals and strive to be responsible stewards of the land.

All natural, no pesticides or herbicides on fields, no antibiotics or hormones used. Mainly grass fed with tiny amounts of grain fed.

Outbreaks, Illnesses and Recalls Linked to Raw (Unpasteurized) and Pasteurized Dairy Products, United States January 2010 – November 2011