On Tuesday, October 22, the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) laboratories received multiple lots of McDonald’s brand fresh and frozen beef patties collected from various Colorado McDonald’s locations associated with the ongoing E. Coli investigation

The CDA Microbiology Laboratory analyzed dozens of subsamples from all the lots and all samples were found to be negative for E. coli. CDA has completed all beef testing and does not anticipate receiving further samples. 

The federal investigation has focused on ground beef patties and onions. At this time, CDA also has no information suggesting onions grown in Colorado are linked to this outbreak.

The FDA is leading the traceback investigation of onions for this outbreak. For more information, please contact the FDA Office of Media Affairs at FDAOMA@FDA.HHS.GOV. USDA-APHIS is the lead agency for meat in the U.S. and can be reached at aphispress@usda.gov. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is the lead Colorado agency on this incident response in Colorado. To reach CDPHE, please email hope.shuler@state.co.us.