According to the CDC, the hepatitis a virus (HAV) is transmitted via the fecal-oral route, usually from direct person-to-person contact or consumption of contaminated food or water (33). Children were a key source of HAV transmission before HepA vaccination was available and recommended routinely for children because the majority of children infected with HAV have asymptomatic or unrecognized infections and can shed the virus in their feces for months (34,35). Transmission currently occurs primarily among susceptible adults.
Common-source outbreaks and sporadic cases also occur from exposure to food or water with fecal contamination. Uncooked foods have been recognized as a source of outbreaks (36). Cooked foods also can transmit HAV if the heat level used in preparation is inadequate to inactivate the virus or if food is contaminated after cooking, which can occur during outbreaks associated with infected food handlers (36). Waterborne outbreaks of hepatitis A are infrequent in developed countries with well-maintained sanitation and water supplies (37). Depending on conditions, HAV can be stable in the environment for months (33,38). HAV also is stable when frozen (10,39–41). Heating foods at temperatures >185°F (>85°C) for 1 minute or disinfecting surfaces with a 1:100 dilution of sodium hypochlorite (i.e., household bleach) in tap water inactivates HAV (42).
HAV vaccination is not specifically recommended for persons who handle food in the absence of other risk factors. Foodborne hepatitis A outbreaks occur relatively infrequently in the United States; however, recent outbreaks of hepatitis A related to pomegranate arils (the fruit-coated seeds) imported from Turkey, frozen scallops imported from the Philippines, and frozen strawberries imported from Egypt demonstrated the risk for outbreaks related to foods imported from HAV-endemic areas (10,11,169). Contamination of food with HAV can happen at any point: growing, harvesting, processing, handling, or after cooking. Food handlers are not at increased risk for hepatitis A because of their occupation (36). Transmission of HAV from infected food handlers to susceptible consumers or restaurant patrons in the workplace is rare (36,170,171). Transmission among food handlers has not been common since the adoption of the universal childhood HepA vaccination recommendation in 2006, despite costly and resource-intensive investigations of HAV infections among food handlers. One study found that in >90% of case investigations of infected food handlers, only the food handler was infected, with no secondary cases (172). A survey of state health departments experiencing person-to-person hepatitis A outbreaks during 2016–2019 demonstrated that among almost 23,000 hepatitis A outbreak cases reported from states, <4% occurred among food handlers; secondary infections among patrons accounted for 0.2% of outbreak cases (173). The risk for secondary infection from hepatitis A–infected food handlers to food establishment patrons in these person-to-person hepatitis A outbreaks was <1% (173).
However, as a lawyer, I have seen first-hand the impacts on consumers exposed to HAV positive food service workers. Here are a few examples of cases involving ill workers and the impact on customers and restaurants:
- McDonalds in Skagit County in 1998 was implicated in a cluster of Hepatitis A illnesses linked to an exposure by a Hepatitis A positive assistant manager.
- In 1999 nearly 40 became ill after being exposed to a Hepatitis A positive working at two Subway locations in the Seattle area. Several of the patrons were hospitalized with one young boy suffering acute liver failure requiring a liver transplant.
- A Carl’s Jr. was hit in Spokane in 2000 with a Hepatitis A cluster that sickened over a dozen after being exposed to an ill worker.
- In 2001 a Massachusetts D’Angelo’s Hepatitis A ill employee was linked to several customers who became ill after being exposed to contaminated food served at the restaurant.
- A Hepatitis A positive employee at Maple Lawn Dairy in New York sickened at least six customers in 2004, including one patron who suffered acute liver failure and died.
- In 2009, public health officials in the Quad-City region of Illinois identified at least 32 confirmed cases of hepatitis A among residents of Rock Island, Henry, Mercer, Warren, and Woodford Counties. People became ill after eating food purchased from the Milan McDonald’s restaurant and then developing a Hepatitis A infection.
- In 2017 Bartaco in New York at least 5 people sickened with Hepatitis A many of who were hospitalized with hundreds of thousands in medical bills and wage loss.
- In 2017 a McDonald’s in Waterloo, New York was linked to the death of one woman who was exposed to a hepatitis A ill worker.
- In 2019 the New Jersey Department of Health announced that 23 people contacted hepatitis A after being exposed to an ill worker at the Mendham Golf & Tennis Club.
- And in 2021 52 were sickened, with over 30 hospitalized, including 2 with liver transplants and 4 deaths linked to an HAV ill worker at Famous Anthony’s restaurants in Roanoke, Virginia.
Real people, not statistics. See more at https://marlerclark.com/food-litigation/hepatitis-a-outbreak-litigation
10. Collier MG, Khudyakov YE, Selvage D, et al. Hepatitis A Outbreak Investigation Team. Outbreak of hepatitis A in the USA associated with frozen pomegranate arils imported from Turkey: an epidemiological case study. Lancet Infect Dis 2014;14:976–81. CrossRefexternal iconPubMedexternal icon
11. Viray MA, Hofmeister MG, Johnston DI, et al. Public health investigation and response to a hepatitis A outbreak from imported scallops consumed raw—Hawaii, 2016. Epidemiol Infect 2018;147:1–8.
33. Tassopoulos NC, Papaevangelou GJ, Ticehurst JR, Purcell RH. Fecal excretion of Greek strains of hepatitis A virus in patients with hepatitis A and in experimentally infected chimpanzees. J Infect Dis 1986;154:231–7. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
34. Smith PF, Grabau JC, Werzberger A, et al. The role of young children in a community-wide outbreak of hepatitis A. Epidemiol Infect 1997;118:243–52. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
35. Staes CJ, Schlenker TL, Risk I, et al. Sources of infection among persons with acute hepatitis A and no identified risk factors during a sustained community-wide outbreak. Pediatrics 2000;106:e54
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37. Barrett CE, Pape BJ, Benedict KM, et al. Impact of public health interventions on drinking water-associated outbreaks of hepatitis A—United States, 1971–2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:766–70. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
38. McCaustland KA, Bond WW, Bradley DW, Ebert JW, Maynard JE. Survival of hepatitis A virus in feces after drying and storage for 1 month. J Clin Microbiol 1982;16:957–8. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
39. Niu MT, Polish LB, Robertson BH, et al. Multistate outbreak of hepatitis A associated with frozen strawberries. J Infect Dis 1992;166:518–24. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
40. Nordic Outbreak Investigation Team. Joint analysis by the Nordic countries of a hepatitis A outbreak, October 2012 to June 2013: frozen strawberries suspected. Euro Surveill 2013;18:20520. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
41. Reid TM, Robinson HG. Frozen raspberries and hepatitis A. Epidemiol Infect 1987;98:109–12. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
42. Favero MSBW. Disinfection and sterilization. In: Zuckerman AJ TH, ed. Viral hepatitis, scientific basis and clinical management. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. pp. 565–75.
169. CDC. 2016—Multistate outbreak of hepatitis A linked to frozen strawberries (final update). Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2016. https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/outbreaks/2016/hav-strawberries.htm
170. Ridpath A, Reddy V, Layton M, et al. Hepatitis A cases among food handlers: a local health department response—New York City, 2013. J Public Health Manag Pract 2017;23:571–6. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
171. Sharapov UM, Kentenyants K, Groeger J, Roberts H, Holmberg SD, Collier MG. Hepatitis A infections among food handlers in the United States, 1993–2011. Public Health Rep 2016;131:26–9. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
172. Morey RJ, Collier MG, Nelson NP. The financial burden of public health responses to hepatitis A cases among food handlers, 2012–2014. Public Health Rep 2017;132:443–7. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon
173. Hofmeister MG, Foster MA, Montgomery MP, Gupta N. Notes from the field: assessing the role of food handlers in hepatitis A virus transmission—multiple states, 2016–2019. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:636–7. CrossRefexternal icon PubMedexternal icon