The Durand School District reported today that the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene have confirmed that the outbreak of gastrointestinal illness occurring in Pepin County, Wisconsin, was caused by Campylobacter. To date, Campylobacter has been detected in specimens from 9 ill individuals. Not all of the ill individuals were tested. Eight Durand students are hospitalized and dozens of others are sick with a gastrointestinal illness.
Most of the sickened students are on the football team. Five of the eight football coaches are also ill. Therefore, the Durand vs. Amery football game scheduled on Saturday has been postponed to a later date. The event is postponed due to the large number of ill football players.
School officials say about 150 middle and high school students were absent Wednesday with many staying home as a precaution against contracting the illness.